Saturday, August 7, 2010

Colton's Adventures!

So it's been a while since the last post and it's been a busy spring/summer for Colton. We spent Mother's Day at Woodland Park Zoo, Jake and Colt had a boy's weekend on Lopez Island, Auntie Katie and Uncle Adam took Colton to the aquarium for the first time, we checked out the butterfly exhibit at the Pacific Science Center and Colton played race car in some leftover wedding present boxes.

Probably one of the funniest things that's happened in a while is that we bought Colton his first potty! He's been practicing at school so we figured we should give it a shot at home too. We haven't had any luck with it yet, but Colt loves sitting on it and trying...he also loves carrying it around the house!

1 comment:

Katie Kiekenapp said...

playing race car is exhausting...for me