Monday, April 19, 2010

And so it begins...

Let's face it, Colton has had his fair share of bumps and bruises and everyone keeps telling us "he's a boy, just wait and see!" Well this weekend I think I finally realized that he really has turned into a little boy! While helping Papa in the yard this weekend Colt took his first wheelbarrow ride which left him with a diaper full of pine needles, but he didn't seem to mind to much. But best of all, Colton saw his first frog and with the help of Jake and Auntie Katie he not only pet the frog, he picked it up and tossed it in the grass! Can't wait to see what he discovers next!


Cassidy Robey said...

So cute! and so brave. I would never pick up a frog. But i guess i would at that age :) miss you guys

Katie Kiekenapp said...

we can go frog huntin' in my backyard!