Tuesday, April 27, 2010

A Day at the Park

We've never seen someone enjoy a slide more than Colton! Over the weekend we had a beautiful day so we ventured out to our neighborhood park so Colt could play a little. He's not much of a swing kid yet...in fact he screams when you put him in one...but you can't keep him off the slide! We're sure that as the weather keeps getting nicer we'll be frequenting the park a lot more!

Monday, April 19, 2010

And so it begins...

Let's face it, Colton has had his fair share of bumps and bruises and everyone keeps telling us "he's a boy, just wait and see!" Well this weekend I think I finally realized that he really has turned into a little boy! While helping Papa in the yard this weekend Colt took his first wheelbarrow ride which left him with a diaper full of pine needles, but he didn't seem to mind to much. But best of all, Colton saw his first frog and with the help of Jake and Auntie Katie he not only pet the frog, he picked it up and tossed it in the grass! Can't wait to see what he discovers next!

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Colton Goes to the Zoo

A few weeks ago we had a gorgeous weekend so we packed up and headed out to Point Defiance Zoo & Aquarium for Colton's first trip to the zoo...he absolutely loved it! We saw penguins, elephants, monkeys and even a camel. Colt loved looking at all the animals, but I would say that he like watching the monkeys swing around the most. I think we're in for a lot of trips to the zoo this summer!

Happy Easter!

Colton is officially an Easter egg hunting pro! After a couple of egg hunts over the weekend, Colt's Easter basket if full of goodies! We had a great day spending time with family, relaxing and playing with Colton's new toys...needless to say the Easter bunny went a little overboard...but what's new!