Sunday, July 5, 2009

Happy 4th of July!

Happy 4th of July everyone! We had a great first 4th of July as a family. It was nice and hot so Colt cooled off and played in his pool which he absolutely loved. It was a busy day and Colton was tuckered out by the time the fireworks started and slept through it all, not even waking for the biggest booms!


Katie Kiekenapp said...

He is so cute, I love the bottom picture! I can tell he didn't get a tan on the boat with all that SPF 50...

Hillary said...

Hey! It was so good to see you guys today - we can't wait so long to hang out again! Colton is adorable, so happy too : ) I'm glad I found this website, I'll have to keep it in my favorites - have FUN this weekend! Talk to you soon