Wednesday, May 27, 2009

6 Months Old

Happy half birthday Colton! It's hard to believe, but we're at the half-way point of Colt's first year already! At his check up this month he weighed 17 pounds, 4 ounces and was 26 inches long...a huge growth spurt in height from last month. Colt is developing quite the personality and we love seeing what new things he's learning every day. Right now we love watching him play with his toys, roll all over the place and listen to him discover his voice. Colton has been enjoying the spring sunshine and being in the yard and can't wait to try out the pool Nana and Poppa bought for him! 


Katie Kiekenapp said...

I can't believe it's been 6 months! Have I mentioned how cute he is lately?

jessicarobey said...

I dont think that i have ever seen a cuter baby! I cant believe he is already 6 months old...AHHH...almost 6 1/2...crazy

Katie Kiekenapp said...

Just looking at the pictures again! I want to come pinch his cheeks :-)