Wednesday, December 14, 2011

3 Years Old

Seriously...three years old already? We just can't even believe it! Colton has had quite the year, one that has brought lots of firsts like swimming lessons, Cougar football games, a big boy bed and best of all...underwear! At his three year check up he weighed in at 32 pounds, 4 ounces and was 36 inches tall...tall enough for some rides...Disneyland anyone?!?! Right now Colton loves playing with his cars and trucks, going to school and playing with all his friends. We love hearing him tell us all about what he did each day and can really have a conversation with him now. Funny how we used to wish for this and now we laugh because there isn't a moment of silence...ever! At least with all the talking he makes us laugh every day and we love him so excited to see what this next year brings!

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