Friday, August 5, 2011


Well for the second time in less than a year, Colton made a trip to Maui...yes...he's spoiled rotten! Colt had a great time playing and had plenty of playmates including Papa, Nana, Auntie Katie and Uncle Adam...oh yeah...and us! We had some great days at the beach and Colton was sure to stay hydrated with lots of watermelon and water.
Since Colton's still a bit to small to go snorkeling, we decided the next best thing would be a semi-submarine and it definitely didn't disappoint. Colt saw tons of fish, a turtle and even an octopus!
Most of our days were spent playing in the pool, and although it took a few days for Colt to get used to it, it wasn't long before he was down to just water wings and was jumping off the side and splashing everyone like crazy! He loved going around the lazy river over to the waterfall and even tried on Jake's snorkel mask!
Colton had so much fun in Hawaii, he ate more than we've ever seen him eat and completely wore himself out every day. We all had such a fun trip and can't wait for our next family vacation!

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