Monday, November 1, 2010

Happy Halloween!

What a fun Halloween weekend! It started off with Jake and Colton carving a pumpkin for the front porch. Colt was so excited about carving the pumpkin, but when it came time to clean it out he would barely touch it because it was "ucky!" Besides cleaning it out, Colton loved helping his Daddy.
On Halloween Colton put on his Nemo costume and was the cutest little fishy walking around! While we were out trick-or-treating or "punkin tweeting" as Colton likes to call it...he was the hit of the neighborhood. Colt had so much fun going door to door and watching all the big kids run around in their costumes, we can't wait to see what he does next year!

1 comment:

Katie Kiekenapp said...

The surprise of the costume was totally worth the wait!