Thursday, October 14, 2010


We had a GREAT vacation in Hawaii! All the worrying before we left about how Colt would handle the flight was for nothing because he handled it like a total pro...thank goodness for Cars and Toy Story!
This was Colton's first visit to the beach and although he wasn't all that thrilled with the actual ocean, he had a great time playing with his bucket in the sand. Some other favorite things Colt discovered on our trip...trains and fishies! On our sugar cane train trip all we heard was "All Aboard!" and "Choo Choo!" At the aquarium he was amazed by the sharks and loved all the koi fish around the hotel property.
With all the new things for Colton to discover his favorite thing by far was the pirate ship in the kiddy pool. We spent most every afternoon at the pirate ship and by the end of the trip Colt had mastered both the slides!
Our first family vacation was so amazing and we just can't wait to go back!

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