Wednesday, November 11, 2009

1st Haircut!

Today was a really fun day...Colton got his first haircut! He had so much fun playing with the steering wheel and horn while Meredith cut his hair and he didn't even cry! Colt loved every minute of it and even clapped when he was all done and got a rubber ducky for being so good. It all concluded with a mohawk and everyone we saw after that commenting on how cute he looked! He's such a big boy now!


Katie Kiekenapp said...

Whats it feel like to have everybody gawk at him!!! It makes me proud!!! I'm glad I could come :-)

Cassidy Robey said...

this is freaking adorable. shocker right?. i love his little shoes!!

Heidi said...

love it! hair cuts make the little ones look so much older!