Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Exciting New Things!

The last few weeks have brought a few new and exciting things for Colton. Along with enjoying rice cereal or oatmeal for breakfast and dinner, Colt has started eating fruit. His favorite by far are the peaches! Soon he'll be trying out veggies for the first time...hopefully that goes as smoothly as all the other food introductions have gone! We are eagerly waiting for Colton to start crawling, he's getting there, but his current mode of transportation is rolling. He literally roles everywhere! And although he can't quite pull himself up to the sitting position yet, if put there he can sit for quite a while. As you can see from the pictures below, he's very proud of himself!

1 comment:

Katie Kiekenapp said...

I love the second to last picture! He is soo proud of himself, I know if he could talk he would be saying "look at me mom."