Friday, February 13, 2009

Getting Bigger and Learning Lots

We're amazed everyday to see how big Colton is getting and what he'll accomplish that day. He loves to play on his activity mat and zone out on the music playing star...he will seriously stare at that thing forever! 
He's holding his head up for longer periods of time and starting to push up off his chest a little when he has tummy time. We have to say though that the best thing he's doing now is smiling and cooing at us all the time...we can't get enough of it! We also visited his daycare for the first time today and although we're sad to have to leave him there while we go to work, we know that his teachers will love him and he'll make lots of new friends!

1 comment:

Katie Kiekenapp said...

he just keeps getting cuter and cuter :-)