Wednesday, November 26, 2008

He's Here!!!

Well, on schedule, Colton came into our lives at 8:43am, weighing in at 5lbs 11oz and 19.5 inches in length.  Both mom and Colton are doing great.  Even though Colton is currently in our room, there still is chance that he may have to spend a few days upstairs in the intensive care unit just until his lungs are slightly more mature.  We are definitely cherishing the time with him in our room for the time being.  Click here to see more pictures  


jessicarobey said...

Oh my goodness! By far the most wonderful and cutest baby that this world has seen yet! I already love him so much! Well done! I love all 3 of ya! Congrats! Im so excited!!!!

Unknown said...

We have been blessed! We are so proud of the both of you. You are now on the road to a whole new life. Enjoy every moment. You will be fantastic parents, we have already seen that.
Mom/Grandma & Dad/Grandpa

Anonymous said...

He is the most beautiful baby I've ever seen. I love him more then I could imagine, thank you for sharing today with all of us! I love you guys!