Sunday, November 30, 2008

5 Days Old and Counting

Both of us feel that Colton is making great progress in his stay.  When he was admitted, Colton was eating just 25 cc's of formula a feeding.  Today he started on 42 cc's with the hopes of reaching 46 cc's by tomorrow.  Unfortunately, his stay is not just based on that, but that is one of his goals in order for him to head on home with us.  Here are some updated pictures.  In case you were wondering, Jake is not strangling Colton, just burping him.  

Saturday, November 29, 2008

Almost Home

We almost all made it home, but unfortunately Colton needs to stay a little longer at the hospital.  Little Colton was admitted to the Infant Special Care Unit (ISCU) later yesterday so he can get a little better at his bottle use and to put on a little more weight.  Both of us will be staying with Colton until he is able to come home.  Best case scenario, he will be able to come home in  a week, but we know how important it is that Colton can use his bottle while maintaining a  steady weight.   While we are staying with Colton in the ISCU, we are not permitted to have our cell phones on, so if you call us, please leave a message because we will be venturing out from time to time.

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving

Colton is very much enjoying his first Thanksgiving.  So far, so good.  After a night where his dad learned the true meaning of "no sleep," Colton has spent the better half of his first Thanksgiving doing what he does best, sleeping and pooping, which is good.   Once again, thank you to everyone who has come up over the past 2 days and thank you for all your wishes and continued prayers.  

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

He's Here!!!

Well, on schedule, Colton came into our lives at 8:43am, weighing in at 5lbs 11oz and 19.5 inches in length.  Both mom and Colton are doing great.  Even though Colton is currently in our room, there still is chance that he may have to spend a few days upstairs in the intensive care unit just until his lungs are slightly more mature.  We are definitely cherishing the time with him in our room for the time being.  Click here to see more pictures  

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Colt's Room

Even though we've been cooped up in the hospital for almost four weeks now, Colt's room is finally ready for him! Just ignore the fact that there are no pictures in the picture frames!

Monday, November 10, 2008

Two More Weeks!

The countdown is on! We've been patiently waiting in the hospital for three weeks now and we've only got two more to go until Colt makes his debut! We're so excited to meet him and introduce him to all of you!