Friday, December 16, 2011

Time for Santa!

Hard to believe this was already Colton's 4th trip to see Santa Claus...even harder to believe that he still hasn't cried! This is one kid who absolutely loves Santa! When he was asked what he wanted for Christmas, he told Santa that he'd like toys and train tracks, cars and trucks. Then he said he was going to leave out some milk and cookies for Santa and some crackers, carrots and dip for the reindeer! We sure hope our trips to Santa stay like this!

Santa Train

Last weekend we headed out to Snoqualmie with Nana, Papa, Auntie Katie and Uncle Adam for the Santa Train. Colton was so excited to not only ride on a real train, but to see Santa at the end of it! Colt loved every minute of the train ride...looking out the window, listening to the stories from the conductor and singing Rudolf the Red-Nosed Reindeer. Once the train ride was over Colton colored a picture for Santa and got to sit on his lap, then we had cookies and hot chocolate, got to play on some other trains and of course went to the candy store. Such a fun way to kickoff the Christmas season!

The Holiday Sing

Each year Colton's entire school puts on a holiday sing where each classroom (yes, even the babies!) learns a Christmas song and then puts on a performance. This should have been the first year that Colt would have really known what he was doing up there so we were pretty excited! In November we learned that his class would be performing All I Want for Christmas is You...that's right...the Mariah Carey song!  He practiced at school, we practiced at home, there was a whole routine and he seemed to know it pretty well...that is until Colton and his classmates got on stage and then this is what happened... 
As you can see the little girl behind him had been crying, the little boy next to him was having a full on cry session saying "all I want is a big hug mommy." At least Colton didn't cry, but he did sit on the ground for most of it. Anyways, because the class had a little stage fright, they taped the kids performing the song later that week and it was much better...for everyone else at least. Yes, that's Colton on the far right doing everything but least he looks cute!

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

A Special Delivery!

The day after Thanksgiving Colton heard a knock on the door and opened it to find a special package on the front porch all the way from the North Pole! Colt was so excited to hear that Santa himself had dropped off the present, but sad that he didn't get to the door fast enough to see him. When he got inside, and opened it up, Colton saw that Buttons the elf was back to watch over him for another Christmas season! Now, each morning Colt looks around the house to find Buttons in his new hiding spot...that is...if he's been a good boy!

3 Years Old

Seriously...three years old already? We just can't even believe it! Colton has had quite the year, one that has brought lots of firsts like swimming lessons, Cougar football games, a big boy bed and best of all...underwear! At his three year check up he weighed in at 32 pounds, 4 ounces and was 36 inches tall...tall enough for some rides...Disneyland anyone?!?! Right now Colton loves playing with his cars and trucks, going to school and playing with all his friends. We love hearing him tell us all about what he did each day and can really have a conversation with him now. Funny how we used to wish for this and now we laugh because there isn't a moment of silence...ever! At least with all the talking he makes us laugh every day and we love him so excited to see what this next year brings!

Happy 3rd Birthday!

A 3rd birthday!! We celebrated Colton turning three with family and friends at a dinosaur themed birthday party. Colt had so much fun all day long and even helped Mommy set things up by picking out his favorite dinosaur toys for the table decorations. He was of course spoiled rotten by everyone, but loved opening his presents (he even had some help from Samantha!) and blowing out the candles on his cake. Colton loves birthday parties for anyone and singing Happy Birthday to everyone, so he of course sang to himself as well! Click here to see some more pics from the party!