Thursday, November 3, 2011

Big Boy Underwear!

Colton's been talking about wanting to wear big boy underwear like his friends at school for a while now, but we weren't sure he was quite ready for it yet. Well he became adament about it this last weekend, so we thought what the heck and headed to Target. We let Colt pick out his favorite pairs...Toy Story and Cars of course! Later that day was the real test, we put the underwear on and waited to see what would happen. To our suprise...success! He ended up being in them for about half the day and no accidents! Colton was so excited and proud of himself and we are too!

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Happy Halloween!

Colton had so much fun this Halloween! He got to wear his Superman costume a bunch the last couple weeks at school but the final touch of the official Superman wig was added on Halloween and definitely completed the costume. Colt loved trick-or-treating and seeing all the spooky houses...he wasn't even scared! And according to him, his favorite part was getting A LOT of candy!