Saturday, October 31, 2009

Happy Halloween!

Happy Halloween everyone! We hope you are having a fun Halloween and getting lots of treats instead of tricks! Colton has been having a lot of fun the last couple of days showing everyone his monkey costume, but no trick-or-treating this year...maybe next year!

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

11 Months Old

Believe it or not we're just one month away from Colton's 1st birthday and preparations are well underway for what is sure to be a fun party! Colt is now 22 pounds and 29 inches long...he's getting so big! Colton is keeping us busy at home crawling around and getting into just about anything he can get his hands on. At school he's now the oldest in his class and is helping teach all the other babies how to sit and crawl. He loves walking all around his classroom with the toy shopping cart...and his teachers tell us it won't be long until he doesn't need the cart anymore!

Carving Pumpkins

As promised Colton helped Jake carve our pumpkins for Halloween. He wasn't that into the pumpkin guts, but he did get a little messy! Our front porch is now ready for all of our trick-or-treaters!

Monday, October 12, 2009

Out in the Pumpkins

It was such a nice fall weekend we packed Colton up and headed out to the pumpkin patch. Colt loved playing in the pumpkins and touching all the funny looking bumpy ones. He had so much fun, the only part he didn't like was when the giant monster truck would start up...not to worry though he quickly recovered and got back to playing and picking out his pumpkins! Next up...carving them for Halloween!

10 Months Old

Well it's been a busy month for Colton and as you can see it's getting harder and harder to get these monthly photos of him! Colt didn't have much of a growth spurt this month, he's weighing in at 21 pounds and is still 28 3/4 inches long. He's got five teeth in and three more that are about to pop through. Colton loves cruising around anything he can hold on to and is even getting brave enough to try standing on his own every once in a while...although when he does it's only a second or two before he comes crashing down! But out of everything he's doing right now, his favorite new thing is clapping...he's so proud of himself when he sees everyone laughing and clapping along with him!