Thursday, March 29, 2012

Sleepy Colton

Last Sunday we spent the day out at Nana and Papa's house while Jake helped chop up some trees that they had dropped in the backyard. Between helping the big boys and playing with his friend Griffin from across the street he was outside and busy all day long with no nap and didn't finally pass out until we were on our way home around 9 p.m. The next morning when we took Colt to school we could see from the bags under his eyes that he was completely exhausted and that it was going to be a long day for him. Luckily his teacher is always on the spot...check out what she captured on video during what was supposed to be work time!

Sunday, March 11, 2012


After months of keeping it a surprise from Colton, we finally made it to Disneyland and to say he was excited is a total understatement! He didn't really get it when we first walked through the gates, but when he saw Mickey and Goofy the real fun started. We were lucky that Grandma, Grandpa and our friends the Taovil's were able to join us to make the trip even more memorable. We spent the first day running around Disneyland going on rides and meeting all the characters.

The second day we were there we headed over to California Adventure and that's where Colton met some of his very favorite people. Woody, Buzz, Lightening and Mater! The look on Colt's face when he saw Woody and Buzz was something we'll never forget...such excitement!

This was such an amazing family trip, and we had the absolute best time! It was so fun to be there and live it all through Colton and his excitement! We were all so sad when we had to leave to go home, but Colt definitely took it the hardest, crying when we had to say goodbye to our friends and making us feel so horrible that he suckered us into one more train ride around the Magic Kingdom. Needless to say...we can't wait to go back!

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Museum of Flight

Yesterday we ventured out to the Museum of Flight for the first time. Colton loved looking at all the airplanes and was even more excited about the ones that he could sit in and pretend to fly. It was such a fun place to visit and even better...Colton could just run around and look at everything on his own!

Snow Day!

Well if we were going to have to be snowed in for three days, at least we got to have some fun in it! We all bundled up and headed out to do a little sledding, build a snowman and throw some snowballs. Colton had never gone sledding down a hill before and by the look on his face it seems like he had a great time!

Monday, January 2, 2012

Happy New Year!

For New Year's Eve this year we headed out to Zoolights at the Point Defiance Zoo & Aquarium and had a great time checking out all the Christmas lights. Even though we couldn't see a lot of the animals we did see Colton's favorite...the sharks! And after checking out all the lights we ended the night on the carousel where Colt made sure he got the tiger!

Merry Christmas!

We had a wonderful Christmas full of family, fun and lots of presents! Colton was a very good boy this year and he was super excited to see what Santa had left for him on Christmas morning. Colt woke up to find that Santa and his reindeer had indeed come to visit and much to his liking, had left the train he had asked for and it was all set up for him and ready to be played with along with a fire truck and lots of other things. We spent the rest of the day playing with all of Colton's new toys and the new bike he got from Nana and Papa.