Monday, September 26, 2011

Is that a Giant Frying Pan?

Why yes it is! It had been a while since we'd been down to visit Great Grandma and Grandpa at the ocean so we packed up and headed down for the day. They were so excited to see Colton and to make it even better, we dressed Colt up in his new lederhosen to surprise them! They absolutely loved it and thought he looked just like Papa when he was a little boy. Colton always loves going down to the ocean and playing with the animals, seeing the cuckoo clock cuckoo and playing his harmonica with Great Grandpa. We're actually not sure who enjoys themselves more...Colton or Great Grandpa!

Go M's!

We took Colton to his first Mariners game last season, but decided it was time to take him again this year and even though the game wasn't that great, we had a ton of fun! Colt collected a bunch of baseball cards from all the Safeco workers, played in the giant jungle gym and even watched a little bit of the game in between popcorn, pizza and ice cream. Maybe next time we'll see a little more of the game!

Doin' the Puyallup!

We had so much fun at the Puyallup Fair this year, Colton's been a few times but this was the first time he was old enough and tall enough to ride the rides! He did the helicopters, the construction trucks, went on the big slide and rode the train with Papa around Sillyville.  It could have been hit or miss, but Colt loved it all! After the rides we checked out the giant pumpkins, the bunnies and the petting zoo. What a great night!

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Go Cougs!

We finally made our first family trip to Pullman for a Cougar game and we had a great time! Jake had tons of fun showing us all around and Colton loved watching the football game and yelling Go Cougs! He even caught on to "that's another Cougar first down!" After the game we even took a little drive to the tiny town of Colton, Washington! What a great weekend...we can't wait to go back!

Fun with Cousins

Colton had some fun pirate time with his cousins Keegan and Mackenzie while celebrating Jake's birthday last weekend. The first photo says it all...two little boys yelling with swords pretending to be pirates and one little girl posing pretty with her hat! Too cute!