Thursday, March 17, 2011

Happy St. Patrick's Day!

This was a very special St. Patty's Day because it was the first time the leprechauns came to visit Colton! Leprechauns are mischievous little guys who like to come looking for gold and tend to create quite a mess in the process. Oh yeah...they also turn things green! Colt had a great time at our annual St. Patrick's Day party, learning about the leprechauns and finally seeing just what they do exactly! When Colton woke up he found green balloons, streamers, milk, juice, jello, grapes and some Lucky Charms! His favorite expression of the morning was "oh my gosh!" and when you asked who did this he'd say "not me!" Such a fun morning! Click here to see more pictures.

1st at Home Haircut

Since Colton is always seeming to need a haircut and he always gets a buzz cut, we thought we'd get a pair of clippers for home to keep him looking good in between visits to Anna (his stylist). This was our first try at it and although Colt wasn't to thrilled with the itchiness, he was a trooper and it turned out pretty good!

Monday, March 14, 2011

Colton & Samantha

We were so excited when we learned that our friends Jake and Krista were going to be having a daughter...our future daughter-in-law! When Colton first met Samantha he was less concerned with her and more concerned that Mama was holding her. Not knowing how he would react we went for our second visit and to our delight...success! Colt was his usual charming self and Sam of course won him over with her absolute adorableness! The night ended with a kiss and an I love you...a match made in heaven!

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Swimming Lessons

Well not actual lessons...more like play time in the pool! Today Colton had his second Tiny Tots Swim class and he's loving it! He's learning how to swim with his arms, kick he legs, blow bubbles, bob under the water and jump off the side of the pool. Okay, the jumping off the side is more talk since he says he wants to do it, but when he actually gets up there he chickens out...but we're getting closer! Hopefully with a few more classes, Colt will be ready to jump off by the time we go to Hawaii!